Patchy and Calico's Summer Vacation
by Greta Burroughs
Patchwork Dog has a
knack for getting into trouble and his best friend, Calico Cat usually winds up
right in the middle of the mess with him. Calico would rather spend her days
sleeping in her nice comfortable bed, staying safe and worry free. She knows better
than to follow Patchy when he is out looking for a new adventure, but she tags
along anyway just in case…
On the other hand,
Patchy is very curious and is always investigating new sights, sounds and
smells. He follows his nose wherever it goes. Sometimes that leads to trouble
but other times it gives Calico a chance to play a trick on her not so smart
Children will laugh
out loud when the two lovable creatures go to the beach where Patchy comes nose
to claw with a fiddler crab, or when they take a walk through the woods and
meet a not too friendly bear who cannot decide whether to help the two lost
campers or eat them.
In the other
stories, children will enjoy reading about how Patchy and Calico accidentally
join the circus, take an unplanned boat ride and get caught sneaking into a
school classroom.
Patchy and Calico’s Summer Vacation has illustrations at the beginning of each chapter
that hint at what the new adventure will be about. Other pictures are included
at the end of each story along with some questions for the child to answer.
Older children can read the stories themselves or it would make a wonderful
bedtime story book for younger kids. The five tales will entertain children of
all ages with the antics of the title characters and hopefully teach youngsters
some valuable lessons working together and staying out of trouble.
The two friends
tiptoed as quietly as they could around the big tent and stopped behind one of
the smaller tents. They were hoping to stay out of sight and still be able to
see what was going on.
It was amazing; so
many things to look at.
They were so busy
watching all of the activity that they did not hear the sound of footsteps
behind them.
“There you are, you
silly dog! Thought you could get away from me, huh? Come on, we have work to do
before our show tonight. You can bring your new friend with you and we’ll find
something for her to do, too.”
Patchy and Calico
looked over their shoulders and saw a man in a bright yellow shirt and green
He was trying to untie
a big knot on the side of the tent. After a few tries, he finally got it. The
man opened a door-like flap on the tent and led the two confused animals inside.
“You escaped from
your cage, little dog, and I thought I had lost you. I’m glad you came back. We
have to practice all the tricks I taught you. What can your kitty friend do?”
The man started
putting balls, hoops and a ladder around the floor of the tent. Then he stopped
and scratched his head. “Oh yes, I forgot to bring your new clothes for the act.
Don’t go away now, I’ll be right back.”
He walked out of the
tent and closed the door flap.
“Patchy, did you
understand any of that? Does he think you are his dog? You don’t know any
tricks and dogs do not wear clothes. What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,
Calico. We’ve got to get out of here or else learn some tricks very fast.”
I’ll state right off that I completely loved the first Patchy and Calico book I read with my sons, so I was super excited when I heard that there was a new book covering their summer adventures.
My boys (ages 2 and 5) loved the story of Patchy and Calico going to the beach best of all. My oldest has always been a beach lover and gets very excited when we get the chance to go to the beach. He completely identified with the wonder that Patchy feels as they arrive at the beach and hear the sounds. And of course, as a mom, I love the reminder to not go in the water without parents.
What I love most about the adventures of Patchy and Calico is that they show both the adventurous spirit of being young and the caution that parents try to instill in children. This is nicely emphasized in the adventures without being forced. I also love the questions at the end of each story which help my sons and I discuss important things that came up.
What I love most about the adventures of Patchy and Calico is that they show both the adventurous spirit of being young and the caution that parents try to instill in children. This is nicely emphasized in the adventures without being forced. I also love the questions at the end of each story which help my sons and I discuss important things that came up.
I highly recommend Patchy and Calico’s Summer Vacation to children aged 2 and older. My 5 year old thinks very highly of Patchy and can’t wait for the next story, and neither can I. (By Loretta)
About the Author

As a preschool and elementary school teacher, Greta tried to instill the
joy of reading in the children she worked with. Books were an important part of
her classroom and story time was the highlight of the day.
It has been a while since Greta was in a classroom but she had lots of
experience in reading to children of various ages and remembers what they
enjoyed listening to. She tries to incorporate that knowledge into her work as
an author and believes it makes her a better writer of children’s books.
The adventures in Patchwork
Dog and Calico Cat were written several years before the book was published.
The manuscript was put away while she concentrated on her career as a freelance
journalist and before that in aviation education. When medical issues kept her
from being able to work outside the home, the writing bug hit her and the old
manuscript was dusted off, rewritten, illustrated and published.
Dog and Calico Cat is a collection of five stories about a couple of friends who learn
valuable lessons while out on their adventures. There are illustrations to go
along with each chapter and questions at the end of each story. The target
audience is ages 5-8 but the book can also be read aloud to younger kids.
Greta has also published a young adult fiction fantasy novel entitled Gerald and
the Wee People. Wee People
was written for teenagers but adults also enjoy the exploits of the two main
characters as they literally fall into another world and interact with the
villagers, helping them to defeat a forest god intent on destroying their
world. Greta has plans to write a sequel called The House on Bo-Kay Lane.
Her one nonfiction narrative, Heartaches
and Miracles describes the roller coaster ride she has been on fighting
an autoimmune disorder called ITP. In this book, the author and several other
ITPers give an insight into this chronic blood disorder and try to give words
of encouragement to others trying to cope with ITP. Heartaches
and Miracles is also Greta's way of telling the world what ITP is, how
it affects its victims and that it is more widespread than most people realize.
That is not the end of her literary itinerary;
Greta has several other children's and young adult books in mind for the future.