Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Girl of Mine" by Taylor Dean

Girl of Mine
by Taylor Dean

This book blast and giveaway for Taylor Dean's Girl of Mine is brought to you by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.

He came home ...
The year is 2003 and Captain Lucas Graham is at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, about to be deployed to Iraq. A few weeks ago, he broke his engagement with Jillian Barrett, leaving her stunned and heartbroken.
Knowing he can’t leave for war without putting his affairs in order, Luke obtains a four day pass with only one goal in mind: explain his life story to his former fiancĂ©e.
The problem: Jill is now engaged to another man.
But Luke isn’t giving up. He only has four days to gain an audience with Jill, even if he has to resort to drastic measures to do so.
And he will ...

Book Video

Praise for the Book
"Girl of Mine by Taylor Dean is a delightful yet poignant romantic story that is intense yet honest. Though it is a work of fiction, some parts of the story are spiked up with and based on true-life incidents from the author’s own wonderful family. [...] It is a clean story with a lot of heart and love. The author’s fine writing coupled with the imaginative plot and relatable characters make Girl of Mine a great read from start to finish." ~ GreatReads!
"Taylor Dean is a fantastic author that really draws the reader in with character development in each of her stories. And Girl of Mine did exactly that! [...] Through a series of flash backs you find out about childhood events that have shaped Lucas Graham and Troy Kelley into the men that they are in present day events in the novel. Although the book is about the romance between Lucas and Jill, when I finished I felt the story was more about friendship, loyalty, and forgiveness between Lucas and Troy. Another fantastic read from Taylor Dean!" ~ Jana Fowers
"I adore the way she uses 'invisible stories' within the book to keep you hooked. When I pick one of her books, it’s guaranteed that nothing else is getting done that day. Girl of Mine didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat the way some of Taylor’s other books have, it was still a page turner. She let the story slowly unfold; only giving tiny clues between past and present tense. Nothing is laid out in the beginning for the reader. We have to work for it, which makes the emotional connection between the reader and the characters even that much more special. Oh, and Taylor even included a bonus horror story within the pages of the book! Read Taylor’s books today. Today! I mean it. You won’t be sorry." ~ April Kulha
"I was so, so excited to read this book. It's no secret that I love Taylor Dean's books. She really knows how to write a story that pulls you in and engages you emotionally as a reader. Taylor is one of the authors that I stalk (in the best possible way), waiting for an announcement of a new book. This book had a few surprise turns and stories within stories. It took awhile for the whole picture to come together as pieces kept falling into place one at a time. I really liked it. I just couldn't put it down." ~ Aimee Brown

The Song that Inspired the Author While Writing Girl of Mine
The Poppy Girls is a British pop band consisting of five school-age girls from Armed Forces families. (Watch until the end. There’s a surprise!)

Guest Post by the Author
My dad always worried about the cost of the electricity bill. If he walked past my bedroom and noticed that my light had been left on, he would turn it off and holler,
“That’s okay, Taylor, I got your light.”
It became a bit of a joke in our household. My siblings and I loved to try and catch my dad leaving on a light, just so we could say,
“That’s okay, Dad, I got your light.”
Now that I’m an adult with my own family, the term takes on new meaning.
The message behind it has worked its way into my new novel, Girl of Mine.
My father brought me into this world, he cared for me, and he taught me well. He gave me my “light,” my life.
He nourished my “light” and helped me become the person I am today.
So, Dad, thanks for getting my light.
I’ll always be grateful.

About the Author
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense – you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.

Enter the blast-wide giveaway for a chance to a $100 Amazon or B&N gift card.
