Saturday, August 4, 2018

This Week on Books Direct - 4 August 2018

This Week on Books Direct -
4 August 2018

This Week on Books Direct -  4 August 2018

Here's a list of some great articles you may have missed this week. Enjoy!

Avoid Yah-Ha Vs Nah-Ha by Anna Simpson for emaginette

What pitfalls would you warn other writers to avoid on their publication journey?

Avoid Yah-Ha Vs Nah-Ha by Anna Simpson for emaginette

These uncertain times have seen a renewed interest in serious nonfiction, as people try to make sense of an unstable world. Includes a link to a list of the best “brainy” books of the last 10 years.

How The “Brainy” Book Became A Publishing Phenomenon by Alex Preston for The Guardian

Misplaced Modifiers Are Laughable And The Bane Of Writers by Catherine E. McLean for Writers Cheat Sheets

The question posed for this month is “Critiquers have nailed my writing for misplaced modifiers. How can I recognize them and stop making this mistake?”

Misplaced Modifiers Are Laughable And The Bane Of Writers by Catherine E. McLean for Writers Cheat Sheets

Some of the best characters in literature are female. From the evil to the undeniably perfect, these are the greatest female characters from literature of all genres. This list includes the best female characters of all ages. You get to play a part in deciding their rank.

The Best Female Characters In Literature by Ranker

Bestselling author Rick Riordan has gone viral after surgically destroying a troll who wanted “less gender dysphoria” in his books.

Percy Jackson Author Goes Viral With The Perfect Comeback To An Anti-Trans Troll by Josh Jackman for PinkNews

Plug these essential elements into your marketing to drive customer sales naturally and easily.

Subconscious Selling: Your Customers Won’t Buy Without These 3 Elements by Kathryn Aragon for DigitalMarketer

These underhanded character development techniques are designed to relax your “thinky” brain and to draw instead on your curiosity, intuition and slightly devious sense of play in order to help your characters reveal their own inner workings.

Adding Dimension to Characters: 10 Sly Character Development Techniques by Deb Norton for Writer’s Digest

If you enjoyed this blog post, please visit the other This Week posts for links to more great articles.