Thursday, March 14, 2019

"Legend of Song de Light" by Kaitlynzq

Legend of Song de Light
by Kaitlynzq

Legend of Song de Light by Kaitlynzq

Legend of Song de Light by Kaitlynzq is currently on tour with Silver Dagger Book Tours. The tour stops here today for my review, an excerpt, and a giveaway. Please be sure to visit the other tour stops as well.

Legend of Song de Light is available as an audio play or an audio book. Also available: Ancient Script of Lovecontu and Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu audio set. We are pleased to offer the following discount coupon codes to our readers:
sale$1 for $1 off the purchase price
5and5 for 10% off the purchase price

The stories within Legend of Song de Light
connect, unfold, interweave many character’s stories
needs, feelings, desires, dreams
their threads as two crescent moons
connected under the firelights
that layer the chords, and form the lyrics
all of you entered my world as dawn’s awakening sky of soft palette
my garnet heart melted in iridescence to bloom in sun’s rays
glow in night’s depth as the stars echo the rhythm of my heart
my insides sigh and expand in delight
harmonious blend as our lives
circle the melody

Information for the audio play:
The audio play is adapted from Legend of Song de Light audio book by Kaitlynzq, and layered into pdf files as a heart’s song.
And, written in how her imagination envisions an audio play
The characters are heard
Their interior hearts speak
The volumes of their depth
In the airwaves that float around you
While in attendance in a public venue
The actors are unseen but heard
Their lyrical voices like a heart’s song
And available as a downloadable pdf file.

Audio Play Video

[Sing the following lines a cappella at a gentle pace]
Ankqb spoke his heart into a mix of clay and water to form a pink sonic stone, and with each chord’s luscious caress…”

[Spoken lines]
Legend of Song de Light of Play: “The Adventure of One Word”
Opening Date: Scheduled for the near future
Inspired By: ...
Set Design:  A bedroom with cascades of golden fabric on the walls, stone fireplace in the back corner, and two chairs nestled together with a single footrest.
Music: A melodic hum accompanied with sparkles of fire.
Dance Sequence: Danseur and ballerina begin with one hand on the other’s heart space to form two crescent moons with their arms and geeté, geeté, lahnur, huganto, adream petite. Danseur whispers in ballerina’s ear, and releases her to perform magnifi-gras-se-susay and return to him in truset luh-es-aglo, with an immediate leatur lautu, and repeat...”

[Spoken lines]
A rendering of inside.
One room is partitioned by a fireplace’s heat waves, tucked in the corners are flowers of teardrop petals, and all merges seamlessly with the stream that flows beyond the drawbridge.
A reminder of me that helps me sleep at night...”

[Spoken lines]
A bouquet of Rhacew held in a tree’s roots includes morning glory for his dimple smile, a starburst flower for the moment his tenor voice revealed his name, sprinkles of his clover scent that lingered on the paper that began his flirtatious notes…”

My Review of the audio book
I received this audio book in return for an honest review.

By Lynda Dickson
The Legend of Song de Light audio book interweaves six love stories across the ages through the use of recordings, letters, journal entries, and poems of the twelve main characters, who are all artists of some nature. The elements are presented out of order, and we need to piece the story together like a puzzle in order to uncover the origin of the mysterious pink glow of the Lighthouse Finnir on the Island of Glotu that “provides a sweet melodic hum that caresses the island throughout the evening. The legend of how this glowing beauty came to exist is just as unique as the glow herself.”
I haven’t been able to concentrate on audio books before, but this one is designed to be listened to, and it tells. The author narrates her own book in a rich, melodic voice, while musical interludes corresponding to each character are interposed between sections.
This stunningly original composition is heartbreaking yet uplifting and not to be missed.
Warnings: domestic violence, sexual references, sex scenes, coarse language, rape.
The accompanying audio play is also available.

About the Author
My fictional stories are written from the inside view
of a character’s interior heart-that
beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space
feelings, desires, needs, dreams
a blend of
delicate feather ripples of heart waves
needs, feelings, dreams, desires
quiet, gentle heart strings
tender, continuous
soft, vulnerable air mist
circles, weaves to caress
a sonic sea of heart’s breath
Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into downloadable mp3 files; audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a heart’s song; audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath; and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.

Enter the tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win one of two audio book copies of  Legend of Song de Light by Kaitlynzq, one of 25 $4 gift cards to Kaitlynzq's book boutique, or one of two special surprise gifts.
