
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Going Home" by Michael Morrow

Going Home:
Hope Lives Where Reason Dies
by Michael Morrow

Going Home: Hope Lives Where Reason Dies by Michael Morrow

Psychologist and Pastor Adam Sutterland had answers - for others. He found his higher ground armed with psychological theory and divine wisdom - a gift he tried not to flaunt. Then his wife and child were killed in a car accident, and everything he knew disappeared. Short-winded shock floated him to his bed and dropped him hard onto the back of an incubus on its flight to perdition, before mauling his soul and hanging it back inside him, dead and stinking. Trading hope and reason for denial and delusion, Adam was unable to apply his skills to himself, and he doubted the answers of others. After becoming a mechanical mess of pragmatic thought and cowardly escape, he is finally saved by that which he thought he’d lost forever.

About the Author
Michael Morrow is a resident of Lebanon, Missouri, in the Ozarks region of the nation. A warehouse worker and long-time writer, Morrow offers Going Home as a rewrite of a prior work. Aside from writing, Morrow enjoys family, and most anything the hills and hollows of the country can offer. While Going Home is not a self-help book, he hopes something positive can be found by those who read it.
