
Monday, June 5, 2017

"No Turning Back" by Tracy Buchanan

No Turning Back
by Tracy Buchanan

No Turning Back by Tracy Buchanan is currently on tour with Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours. The tour stops here today for my interview with the author, an excerpt, and a giveaway. Please be sure to visit the other tour stops as well.

Anna Graves’s whole life has recently been turned upside down. A new mother, she’s just gone back to her job as a radio presenter and is busy navigating a new schedule of late night feeding and early morning wake ups while also dealing with her newly separated husband. Then the worst happens. While Anna is walking on the beach with her daughter, she’s attacked by a crazed teenager. Terrified, Anna reacts instinctively to protect her baby.
But her life falls apart when the schoolboy dies from his injuries. The police believe Anna’s story, until the autopsy results reveal something more sinister. A frenzied media attack sends Anna into a spiral of self-doubt. Her precarious mental state is further threatened when she receives a chilling message from someone claiming to be the "Ophelia Killer", a serial killer who preyed on the town twenty years ago - and who abruptly stopped when Anna’s father committed suicide.
Is Anna as innocent as she claims? And is murder forgivable, if committed to save your child’s life? Internationally bestselling author Tracy Buchanan takes readers on an emotional roller coaster ride filled with heart-stopping secrets and hairpin turns in No Turning Back, her US debut.

Click below to read an excerpt. Please note the US and UK editions have different covers.

Praise for the Book
"Tracy Buchanan’s No Turning Back is a must read for fans of psychological suspense. Tightly plotted and intense, this novel will have you looking over your shoulder and peeking under your bed. Filled with twists and turns, No Turning Back will keep you flying through the pages to the shocking end." ~ Heather Gudenkauf, New York Times bestselling author of The Weight of Silence
"A gripping psychological thriller, No Turning Back had me flipping the pages late into the night. If you think you know what’s coming, think again. Tracy Buchanan’s sly plotting will keep you guessing whodunit from the first surprising twist through the unexpected, chilling ending." ~ A. J. Banner, USA Today bestselling author of The Twilight Wife
"No Turning Back begins simply, with a seemingly random attack and a desperate act of self-defense. From there it evolves into a story of dark secrets, tangled relationships, and unexpected alliances. Tracy Buchanan’s characters are real and compelling, and she keeps the tension rising until it unravels the life of her protagonist in ways that are both devastating and inevitable. This is a gripping and entertaining read - a smart, sophisticated thriller you won’t want to miss." ~ Harry Dolan, national bestselling author of The Last Dead Girl

Interview With the Author
Tracy Buchanan joins me today to discuss her book, NoTurning Back.
For what age group do you recommend your book?
I tend to get more of my emails from people around the 25 to 50 mark.
What sparked the idea for this book?
I was walking my newborn one day and saw a man approaching. I suddenly thought, for no reason, "What if he attacked us? What would I do?" The idea developed from there.
So, which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?
The idea for the novel usually comes first for me.
What was the hardest part to write in this book?
There were scenes where there was a real risk the main character Anna’s daughter might be taken from her. I had to really dig deep and explore how it would feel if I lost my little girl. So it was quite tough writing some of those scenes.
How do you hope this book affects its readers?
I’d love readers to be on the edge of their seats with this novel, while also making them really explore the question: just how far would you go for someone you love?
How long did it take you to write this book?
About six months for the first draft, then a few more months of revising.
What is your writing routine?
I’m now blessed enough to write full-time. In the mornings, I like to get admin and publicity out of the way. I then dedicate my afternoons to writing before my little girl bursts through the door after pre-school! I’ll break up the day by walking my puppy, a great way to tackle any plot issues - or just some thinking time.
How did you get your book published?
I went down the traditional route: I got an agent who managed to get me a deal in the UK with HarperCollins. When my second novel, My Sister’s Secret, hit the Kindle number one spot over there, I then got a lot of interest from publishers overseas. So that’s why I’m delighted to see No Turning Back published in the US.
Fantastic! What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer?
Try not to be fickle. Many aspiring writers I know so easily fall out of love with ideas and they never end up finishing a novel. This is fine if you want writing as a hobby. But if you want to be published, the biggest hurdle is often writing a whole novel. So be faithful to your ideas, know sometimes you will fall out of love with them, but you need to persevere. And write a bloomin’ good novel!
Great advice. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
We moved into a new house over a year ago so I spend a lot of my spare time doing the house up, sorting the garden ... and looking after my four-year-old daughter. I love going for walks with my family and my puppy, going on holidays and, of course, reading!
What does your family think of your writing?
My mum’s an avid reader and loves the genre I write in. So she’s super proud. The rest of my family are also a huge support and delighted for me, many of them reading my novels and sharing the love on their social media platforms!
Please tell us a bit about your childhood.
I had a lovely childhood, brought up in a town in England, playing with my cousins in corn fields, getting up to mischief with my brother. Sunny days in the garden, winter days playing in snow. It was everything I hope for my own daughter too.
Did you like reading when you were a child?
I was obsessed with reading! I always had a book on me and read at every opportunity I could.
Sounds like me! When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
From a very early age, I kept scrap books about the characters I wanted to write about, cutting out photos from my mum’s catalogues.
Did your childhood experiences influence your writing?
Sometimes, elements of my childhood seep into my writing. But mainly it’s my imagination and adult experiences.
Which writers have influenced you the most?
I adore Anita Shreve, the way she’s able to vividly depict emotion and beautiful settings. I also like writers such as Clare Mackintosh and Gillian Flynn, real masters of the thriller genre.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I get messages from readers almost daily via email or social media channels, and they are usually really positive, thanking me for writing my novels and asking when the next one is out. The ones I really love are when people write to me saying they’ve been in similar circumstances like those depicted in my novel. For example, women who’ve struggled with infertility, a topic I explore my first novel The Lost Mother. Or when No Turning Back hit shelves in the UK, I had an email from a few women who’d struggled with the same prejudices the main character Anna experienced after returning to work following maternity leave. Receiving emails from readers is always the highlight of my day and I reply to each and every one.
What can we look forward to from you in the future?
I have a new novel out in the UK this summer called Her Last Breath, about a lifestyle blogger who starts receiving photos of the missing daughter of a celebrity – a girl she knows nothing about. Or does she ...?! Hopefully you’ll get a chance to see it published in the US one day. I’ve also just confirmed another two-book deal with my UK publishers and am working on a very exciting new novel for them. Watch this space ...
Sounds great! Thank you for taking the time to stop by today, Tracy. Best of luck with your future projects.

About the Author
Tracy Buchanan lives in the UK with her husband, their little girl, and their one-eyed Jack Russell. Buchanan traveled extensively while working as a travel magazine editor and has always been drawn to the sea after spending her childhood holidays on the coast visiting family – a fascination that inspires her writing. She now dedicates her time to writing and procrastinating on Twitter.

Enter the tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win one of two paperback copies of No Turning Back by Tracy Buchanan (US only).
