
Sunday, October 11, 2015

"End of Day" by Summer Lane

End of Day
(Zero Trilogy Book 3)
by Summer Lane

End of Day, the third and final book in Summer Lane's Zero Trilogy, has just been released. Also available: Day Zero (read my blog post) and Day One (read my blog post).

This book blitz and giveaway is brought to you by Xpresso Book Tours.

The Zero Trilogy complements the Collapse Series, consisting of State of Emergency, State of Chaos, State of Rebellion (read my blog post), State of Pursuit (read my blog post), State of Alliance (read my blog post), and State of Vengeance (read my blog post).

The end has come.
Elle Costas and her dog, Bravo, have survived the dangers of Hollywood and escaped the clutches of Slaver Territory. The apocalypse has been cruel, and the wasteland of California has forced them to seek shelter in a civilian refugee camp at a place called Bear Mountain.
Here, they meet Cheng, a mysterious boy with the skills of a samurai, and Luli, a steampunk warrior with a thirst for vengeance. But friends cannot always be trusted. When a horrific tragedy befalls Bear Mountain, Elle and Bravo come face to face with their most dangerous enemy yet.
Betrayal and heartbreak threaten to destroy the bonds of friendship. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Run, or be caught.
Kill, or be killed.
Fight, or be forced to surrender.
The end of the day will change everything.
Will Elle and Bravo survive?
The explosive, thrilling conclusion to the #1 Bestselling Zero Trilogy by Summer Lane.

Praise for the Book
"Lane manages to balance the scenes of action and escapade with displays of friendship and romance." ~ Cen California Life Magazine
"This is the third and final part in the series and brings it all together, concluding the series nicely, whilst still giving enough latitude for crossover into the Collapse Series for some of the main characters if wanted. The Zero Trilogy is a great series, again showing Summer Lanes exceptional character writing skills, and over the three books, she allows her characters to grow, as well as giving them a great back story. [...] This is a brilliant ending to a great series, and it's well worth the read! If you like apocalyptic series, or action series, then you should read this, start with Day Zero and make sure you stay with it, it's a great read and well worth it! This is great as a standalone series or in conjunction with the Collapse Series." ~ Jas P
" ... overall I can recommend this book as appropriate for young adults, ages thirteen and up. I especially liked the unique relationship between the Elle and her dog, Bravo. Bravo exceeds any animal character I've read before." ~ Debra L. Chapoton
"A compelling survival story about a girl and her dog in search of safety and belonging in a post-apocalyptic world. Elle is a believable protagonist who quickly engages the reader and carries them along on her journey through a dark and dangerous landscape. While it is somewhat predictable, the plot is steadily paced and Elle's world and relationships are well drawn. Although this book is the intended conclusion of a series, it is a fully developed and satisfying stand alone read - a best fit for young teen readers (ages 12-14), but will also appeal to older YA and adult fans of dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction." ~ Roberta Trahan

Guest Post by the Author
What is it Like to End the Zero Trilogy?
This is the first time I have ended a published series. Currently I’m writing the seventh installment of the Collapse Series – and I don’t even want to imagine how sad I’ll be when I reach the end of that story.
With the Zero Trilogy, I’ve been on this journey of completing Elle’s story for about two years. It would be difficult to pinpoint the exact moment that Elle’s character jumped into my mind, because I’ve always wanted to write a story about a very young but very strong female character in the apocalypse. The Zero Trilogy seemed to almost write itself at times. Elle’s character development was an organic thing, something that I was able to cultivate like a rose. Poetic, I know. But true.
To finally end a story is a brand new sensation to me. I have ended stories before – but those stories are all unpublished, private works from the mind of a private girl in the wee hours of the night. To finish a story that I have shared with endless readers is almost frightening – I don’t want to say goodbye to Elle! Thankfully, her story intertwines nicely with the Collapse Series, so this isn’t my final farewell. Not yet.
It was supremely refreshing to be able to tie the loose ends of her story together, and to explain the unexplained. I love and adore the new characters of End of Day. Cheng is my favorite male lead of the moment. He’s devilishly handsome and mischievous, the perfect companion for a girl as quick and dangerous as Elle.
In the end, I am thankful for every new opportunity I’ve had because of this trilogy, and I am eternally grateful for the support from the reading and blogging community, who really gave me my start as a writer, and made Elle Costas and Bravo the bomb dog a phenomenal fictional force to be reckoned with.

Interview With the Author
Does writing post-apocalyptic fiction make you want to be more prepared for an emergency or disaster?
Naturally! Because I’m constantly writing about survival situations, I can’t help but think about how I need to be prepared for an emergency. I walk into a store and think, "If something crazy happens right now, how am I going to react? Will I survive?"
So dramatic, I know. But I can’t help it! My head is ALWAYS in the world of the apocalypse, because I’m always working on my series. By extension, I would say that a good ninety percent of my dreams for the last three years have revolved around the end of the world. Staying alive. Hiding in bunkers under the ground, or escaping the zombie apocalypse. I can’t say that I’m sorry, because I really love writing about survival scenarios.
Who is your favorite character in the Zero Trilogy?
Without a doubt, my favorite character is Bravo. I love his selfless nature and his heroic actions. He’s a true role model for me. I didn’t create him – he created himself, and he’s based on the true inspiration of real heroic canines everywhere who work in the military and in law enforcement.
What’s next for you?
Now that I’ve finished this trilogy, I’m working on the seventh installment of the Collapse Series, and beginning a new trilogy starring Bravo. I am so in love with his story, it’s not even funny. I think everyone will love it, because everyone has heard about the apocalypse from the viewpoint of people – but how about the dog? The way he sees the collapse of the world might be so different than how we see it!
What are your favorite post-apocalyptic book, TV show and movie?
You know, I get asked this question a lot. It’s really hard for me to choose just one favorite! The Road by Cormac McCarthy is definitely in my top five favorite novels, and so is World War Z by Max Brooks. My favorite post-ap show is The Walking Dead. The zombies terrify the heck out of me, but I watch it for the character development and the outstanding post-apocalyptic sets. Robert Kirkman and Scott Gimple are brilliant.
I’m not sure that I have a favorite post-ap movie. I do sincerely enjoy the Resident Evil films and The Book of Eli. Modernly, The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials are excellent looks into that genre. Movies are bringing it to life better than ever these days.
When you have time off, what do you like to do?
I like to read! I adore my Kindle Fire. I love to watch movies and television shows, too. Netflix has been a good friend to me. My fiancé and I like to go out to dinner as much as we can and try new food. I love playing with my kitty, crocheting brightly colored afghans, and using Sharpie markers to spruce up "adult" coloring books.

About the Author
Summer Lane is the #1 Bestselling author of the Collapse Series and the compelling tie-in novella books of the Zero Trilogy, as well as the upcoming Bravo Saga (releasing March 2016). She is also the author of Collapse: The Illustrated Guide, a #1 Bestselling graphic companion to her phenomenal original series.
Summer is the owner of WB Publishing and Writing Belle. She is also an accomplished creative writing teacher and professional journalist.
She lives in the Central Valley of California, where she spends her days writing, teaching, and writing some more. When she is not writing, she enjoys leisurely visits with friends at coffee shops, movie dates, reading and spending the day at the beach or mountains.

Enter the blitz-wide giveaway for a chance to win a Touchscreen 6" Kindle and two autographed collectible cards (US/Canada only).
