
Sunday, September 1, 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 1 September 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 1 September 2013

Here's a list of the articles you may have missed this week:

"Real Food" - Brought to you by Bundle of the Week.
This week's bundle is packed full of real food resources to help you thrive on a real, whole foods diet. At more than 85% off, this collection is a great value with tips, reference guides, step-by-step instructions and plenty of recipes for your kitchen!

"How to Break Out of a Creative Rut" - Infographic by Copyblogger on Publishing Resource Guide.
Here's a look at 7 of the most common creative blocks, and how to break them down.

"How to Format Ebooks for Kindle KF8" - Article by Lexi Revellian.
Lexi gives us a tutorial on how to format an ebook so that it changes size/fonts correctly on the Paperwhite Kindle.

"Elements of Character I" - Article by House of Fantasists.
Problems with character building and expression are one of the key places that text falls down. You should really be asking yourself, and your characters, the following questions.

"17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand" - Article by Harper Collins on BuzzFeed.
If you're a self-proclaimed bookworm (or a bibliophile in denial), you can probably relate to these 17 problems.

"Author Advice: A Free Ebook Made Me Buy" - Article by Madeline Sloan for Publishing Resource Guide.
The concept of offering one free eBook by an author - especially an eBook in a series - works.

Ten great habits for any writer.

"Productivity Tips: 4 Key Habits of Organization" - Article by Leo Babauta for Publishing Resource Guide.
A trusted organization system that you actually use regularly can turn your day from one of chaos to one of focus, effectiveness and calm.

"50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases" - Article by Mark Nichol for Daily Writing Tips.
These 50 phrases need not be summarily replaced by more concise alternatives, but consider making the switch, especially when you find yourself using various wordy phrases frequently in the same text.

"Self-Publishing With Print-On-Demand" - YouTube video by Joanna Penn discussing why she has returned to printing books using a Print-on-Demand solution.

"6 Types of Writer" - YouTube video by Joseph Eastwood.
Which one are you?

"Exactly How One Author Sells 70-75 Books a Day" - Article by Laura Pepper Wu by 30 Day Books.
More evidence that those free book days work.

"How to Write a Book I Will Like" - Article by Scott Bury for Written Words.
This summary of what Scott likes to see in a book applies to me, too. What do you think?