
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"Dying to Live" by Jono Comiskey

Dying to Live
by Jono Comiskey

Dying to Live by Jono Comiskey

Dying to Live by Jono Comiskey is currently on tour with Reading Addiction Book Tours. The tour stops here today for an excerpt. Please be sure to visit the other tour stops as well.

An inmate finds himself in an impossible predicament after a life-changing encounter in prison, his survival tied to three seemingly unconnected people on the outside. Unseen forces work to destroy them before they can discover their destiny. Divided families, destroyed careers, sexual abuse, drugs, violence, and attempted murder combine to derail their lives and thrust them into peril. If they can find a way to overcome these obstacles, they can change their world forever; but if they fail, they will set in motion a series of events spelling destruction for future generations. A cosmic war rages in an attempt to prevent the unleashing of hell’s agenda. Four lives converge at the center of the battle …
Three must die so that one may live.

Book Video

The orange glow outside the window seemed unnatural as he forced his eyes to open. He couldn’t move, and just breathing seemed like an impossible task. He tried to focus, but his thoughts were too blurry to make any tangible sense of what was happening. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he heard pieces of a frantic conversation going on outside.
“There’s a cop trapped inside, and the engine is on fire!”
[Want more? Click below to read a longer excerpt.]

Praise for the Book
“A definite must-read for anyone that knows the feeling of being lost or that has someone they are associated with that has been or is lost. It gives very detailed insight into the struggles of addiction, the feeling of hopelessness, but then the other side of the feeling of redemption and positive self worth once God's plan is understood.” ~ Anthony Miller
“… what an amazing tale of God’s mercy and grace, but more importantly, one of repentance and redemption. A story that proves you can’t run far enough to get away from God’s love. I encourage everyone to get this book and immerse yourself in the story. You will not be disappointed.” ~ Laura
“You would never believe that this was based an a true story because it seems like it was written to be a movie. One of the best and inspiring books I have read.” ~ Brett B.
“This book, based on a true story, is an awesome read! Whether you have a loved one fighting addiction, or you yourself are the one fighting addiction, this book will give you hope.” ~ Melissamomof1
“I simply could not put this book down. The writing was so vivid I could see it playing out as I was reading it.” ~ Kindle Customer

About the Author
Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, Jono Comiskey grew up in a country that was struggling for economic stability. Following his two older brothers, he embarked on a journey to find adventure in the land of hopes and dream - the United States of America. Twenty years later, he is convinced more than ever that each person carries incredible potential to affect the world around them in either a positive or negative way and that their God-granted privilege is to choose which path they will follow. Jono is married and has three wonderful children. Having spent more than two decades in the corporate world, he now pastors Transformation Church in Conroe, Texas, which focuses on making disciples who understand their identities in Christ.


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