
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"The Reality Master Volume 1" by P. M. Pillon

The Reality Master Volume 1
by P. M. Pillon

The Reality Master is the first in a five-volume series. You can read my interview with the author below. Also available: A Threat To The World, Travel Beyond, Missions Through Time, and The Return Home.

His celestial companion was waiting for him.
Precariously climbing a sea-side cliff near Big Sur, ten-year-old Joey Blake was as yet unaware that near his grasp was an object so odd, mysterious, and alien to earth that it would change his life forever and the lives of countless others in the next few astonishing days. Reaching up as far as he could for a handhold it was just there; it had subconsciously lured him, occupied his mind, and made him find it. It was like he was meant to see and discover this object of unimaginable power ... the power to change reality.
Time travel and more. This young adult series of sci-fi fantasy novels begins with The Reality Master and continues through four other exciting and amazing stories about time travel and mysterious alien devices. Joey and the reader will face dangerous shadowy criminal organizations, agents of the NSA, bizarre travelers from other times, and even renegade California bikers and scar-faced walking dead.

Book Trailer

Prologue: Arrival
On a cool and clear night, a sheer and towering cliff awaited its approaching moment to become the temporary abode of a celestial interloper. It stood stoic, unimpressed by the clamorous sea imperiously fulminating with an incessant barrage of waves against its base. A stone’s throw away was the exit point of an effluent stream, a capillary of the fecund land mass it flowed through. With the aid of a clear sky and a full moon, a distant horizon was visible in every direction; ocean filling the entire sight in one, verdant and untrammeled panoplies of mountain forest in another. A hundred miles of this California Big Sur coast and its regions to the east were in virtually pristine condition, more than two hundred thousand acres with relatively few human inhabitants.
Inland, the luminescence of moon and stars bestowed an unfettered. evergreen view of redwoods, maples, pines, firs and oaks. Flying about the natural paradise were raucous jays, crows, magpies and woodpeckers. Invisible in the shimmering light, a sonorous ocean air swept in from the west, rustling the trees; the sound of their dancing, undulating branches and leaves increasing and decreasing in compliance with the invading force. The wind’s voice eerily equivocated, fluctuating back and forth from a bare whisper to an angry, frightening ululation of dominant abandon; now gradually quieting, at last dying, only to be reborn and assiduously grow unto a mature and bellowing rage. Animals added their sounds to the holistic cacophony: a bark, a howl, a burst through bushes, crackling twigs and branches stepped on or dragged. The stars were in full bloom, complimenting the moon to illuminate the peaks, the canyons, and all within.  One of the star lights was moving, and as it came nearer the earth, it grew in size until was clear that it was not a star but a far smaller, soaring, perhaps piloted, object.
As it came into the atmosphere, it developed color—an orange tint. A few hundred feet from the ground, it stopped and remained in place for more than an hour. Finally, a smaller light emerged from it, and the larger light rose again until it disappeared. The new light was purposeful, changing directions as it descended. It floated down and meandered among the trees as though surveying the scenery, until eventually it traveled westward, following a gushing stream to its merger with the ocean. Hovering above the beach, the light hesitated, then floated into a crack on a shrubbery-laden boulder that was lodged partway up the cliff next to the stream, as though perching there for a view of magnificent sunsets. The object continued to glow for some minutes, its light gradually diminishing and finally extinguishing completely. Someone who saw it at close range would describe it as small and round, and maybe add that it looked for all the world to be nothing more than an ordinary stone. 

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Interview With the Author
Hi P. M. Pillon, thanks for joining me today to discuss your book, The Reality Master Volume 1.
For what age group do you recommend your book?
Ages 5 to 105 and beyond.
What sparked the idea for this book?
A dream one night that told me the entire story from beginning to end, though I developed the details while writing it. I followed up with four more novels with the same characters, The Reality Master Volumes 2-5 that are also available at Amazon.
So, which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?
The character's story came first because in the dream I saw kids running around creating events with a miraculous device, but I no longer remember what they were doing with it.
How long did it take you to write this book?
A few months, but that includes very problematic revising and correcting after completing it in several weeks.
How do you hope this book affects its readers?
I hope they feel inspired by the courage and fervor that children can attain.
What is your writing routine?
I start early in the morning and write half the time in online political forums, interspersing it with work on my fiction.
How did you get your book published?
I self-published on Amazon and haven't tried to go beyond that even to other ebook publishers, though I was briefly on Smashwords.
What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer?
There were times when I thought I was learning a clear path that I could recommend to other writers, but as the path repeatedly muddled I became discouraged and can now only advise persistence and tenacity – even though I gave up more than once for months at a stretch.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I like spending hours at a time with my honey and I enjoy arguing with people every day in online political forums.
What does your family think of your writing?
My entire family is long gone and therefore is unaware of my writing.
That's a shame. Please tell us a bit about your childhood.
I was the youngest of three kids and the only one who didn't become a fundamentalist Christian. I was surprised to see during my sophomore year of high school that my classmates divided up into Regulars and Soches, who were people higher up the social ladder such as cheerleaders. Just the year before, the prettiest cheerleader asked me to take her out, but I didn't do it because I was obtuse with no knowledge about dating and such, and she later became the girl friend of our school’s varsity quarterback. (I see it as ironic that I was later to become seriously involved with one beautiful college co-ed after another during the ensuing decades.) I was a Regular, and still see myself that way, and so was one of my several best friends even though he was arguably the fastest sprinter in town and our school's star running back.
Did you like reading when you were a child?
Yes, science fiction, especially Lest We Forget Thee, Earth, several novels by Heinlein and Clarke, a novel about a man who found himself in the future when everyone is sane and consider his relatively mild behavior to be symptomatic of serious mental illness, and another one about a man who is lost in space and later is discovered to be the brain of an entire alien civilization when another astronaut earthling comes around, and also Asimov's story about a Forever Car.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I wanted to be a writer when I was younger than ten, but I always feared it would isolate me so I stayed away from it for more than half a century. I don’t quite understand how people like Stephen King maintain a happy family life white churning out new books every year.
Did your childhood experiences influence your writing?
They did, and some of those experiences are in several characters in my book, particularly Joey Blake.
Which writers have influenced you the most?
Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Thomas J. Ryan, Steven Moffat, Neil Gaiman, Russell T. Davies, Mark Gatiss, Robert Silverberg, though the last few names are from Doctor Who, which I never saw or knew anything about until after I wrote my five books.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I'm just now introducing my books to the public so I have no responses yet from anybody.
What can we look forward to from you in the future?
I'm working on poetry and on a book or short story about a teen who suddenly finds himself inexplicably suspended above ground, and another one about a young man who recognizes something in a movie about a country he has never visited, as something he had seen in a horrifying dream.
Sounds interesting. Thanks so much for stopping by today and best of luck with your future projects.

From the Author
I've lived in several nations on three continents, and at one point during my travels I fell in love while visiting the American Midwest, and while there I experienced marriage and offspring and obtained a university degree.
I still pine for the ten years of my first marriage and rue my failure to preserve it now that I believe I know what I did that caused it to fail.
As always, I eventually returned to my beloved California where I seem to be currently entrenched, though I aspire to semi-retire in a tropical paradise, probably in Central America or El Caribe, while still maintaining my home in the good old USA until the end of my earthly days.
I'm the author of the sci-fi/fantasy Reality Master series of novels that are appropriate for ages between 5 and at least 105.
