
Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Angelic Answers: Love Letters for Daily Life" by Kathryn Magee

Angelic Answers:
Love Letters for Daily Life
by Kathryn Magee

Kathryn Magee's debut book Angelic Answers: Love Letters for Daily Life, has been beautifully illustrated by Bobbi Lee Healey. The paperback is currently ON SALE for 10% off. Kathryn has also kindly donated a paperback and ten ebooks for our giveaway. Please show your appreciation by entering below.

Angels carry messages of love and joy, and encourage you in the road you walk through life. They are your own personal cheerleaders! Having a rough day? Need a reminder that the world is a loving and joyful place, even if it seems dark and gloomy? Read Angelic Answers, as Kathryn Magee reminds you of the joy and happiness that is your birth right!

Dearest Children of the Light:
For just a moment, close your eyes. What do you see? Darkness? Nothing? Is this darkness real? Yes, while your eyes are closed, but you have only to open your eyes to see the world around you. It is the same with your relationship with God. When your heart is closed, you feel only darkness and loneliness, but you merely have to open your heart to feel the reality of the Love that surrounds you! And just as the world around you does not disappear because you cannot see it for a moment, the love that is there for you does not disappear just because you cannot feel it for a moment!
Brightest blessings and love surrounds you!
Dearest Children of Light:
As you begin a new week of commitments and obligations, we remind you of the commitment made to you. You have been promised unconditional, unending love! You are cherished, you are loved, you are a treasure sent out for all to behold!
This LOVE shines through you, illuminating every step you take, every choice and decision you make. You are surrounded in love in your every moment. This entire living, loving planet was created to make you happy. You have been given flowers to behold, blue skies, silver-white clouds, the joyous cleansing of rain, abundant air to breathe! As you allow this love to light your way, you find others to share with, to talk with; in your strength you find others who have become lost, and you show them, in your reflection of light, how to find their way home. You are comforted when lessons have become challenging, you are guided when you feel lost. In every moment, you are given that which will make you joyous!
You have only one choice to make - to accept this love that is yours.  In this acceptance, you open your heart, and you allow the love and light and healing to shine! In this acceptance, you allow room in your life for miracles!
Blessed Be! Dearest Children of Light, Blessed BE in the unending flow of LOVE!

By troy
This little book, in a peaceful and calm tone, presents a wonderful collection of angelic messages. The themes of love, acceptance and oneness are expertly explored in these "love letters". Each letter proves to be a gentle reminder of who we are and what we can do. I loved coming upon each of the spiritual gems that are so liberally scattered within.
A delightful reminder of whom and what we are - unlimited spiritual beings, always being guided, protected and loved. This book warmed my heart and lifted my spirits. Thank you.

About the Author
Kathryn Magee was born into a military family and lived the nomadic childhood of a "military brat". As a child she missed the connections of other family members, long-time friends and the stability and history of being raised in the same community. From childhood she learned to shed the old and embrace the new, but has spent the last several years building a community of family and friends. The combination has created a woman who doesn't know a stranger.
Kathryn learned the voices and songs being transmitted to her sub-conscious were not fanciful imagination, but rather a higher connection, allowing her to share the love and wisdom which filled her body and spirit. Following the guidance of the angels, she sent letters to her friends. The network of followers grew in leaps and bounds leading to numerous speaking engagements where she shared ways others could hear the angels and their messages of love, joy and understanding. The word spread to nursing homes, hospitals, and churches, easing troubled souls of the transitions and fears associated with day-to-day living and learning. Angelic Answers: Love Letters for Daily Life is the result of the journey to enlightenment.
Kathryn lives in Texas, and spends her time with her daughters and the newest "angel baby", her two year old granddaughter. She enjoys live music, outdoor festivals, and is an avid fan of the Dallas Mavericks.

Kathryn has generously donated one paperback copy (US only) and ten ebook copies of Angelic Answers: Love Letters for Daily Life. Please show her your appreciation by entering the giveaway.
