
Sunday, June 2, 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 2 June 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 2 June 2013

Here's a list of the articles you may have missed this week:

"Interview With Jeanie Loiacono, President, Loiacono Literary Agency" - Article by Brian Feinblum for BookMarketingBuzzBlog. Brian interviews literary agent Jeanie Loiacono, who gives us an insider's view of the publishing business.

"Some People Do Shoot the Messenger… " - Article by Wendy Reiss.
Wendy gives us an inside look at the world of book editing.

"15 Things a Writer Should Never Do" - Article by Dave Pyl.
Here are Dave's 15 points of consensus and observations based on interviews with authors over the years, conferences, editing dozens of issues of Writer’s Digest, and his own occasional literary forays and flails.

It can be hard to see our own writing for what it is. There are a lot of emotions wrapped up in how writers look at their own work. If you want a clearer, more honest way of approaching your own writing and self-editing process, start here.

"The Real Costs of Self-Publishing a Book" - Article by Miral Sattar for Media Shift.
Putting together a quality book involves not just writing it, but getting it edited, then formatted, designing a cover, and having a marketing strategy around it. Miral breaks down the costs of how much professional services will cost you for a high-quality book.

"Know What You Write" - Article by J. E. Fishman.
Anyone who has been around storytelling or aspired to tell stories has heard that old saw: Write what you know. This advice usually gets interpreted as: Write from your own experience. Joel doesn't agree. Do you?

"Free Books Recommended by Ernest Hemingway Himself" - Article by Jason Boog for GalleyCat.
In 1934, the great novelist Ernest Hemingway made a list of books that all aspiring writers should read. Jason has provided links to free copies of most of the books on his massive list.

"6 Reasons Writers See No Value In Facebook" - Article by Lisa Hall-Wilson for Kristen Lamb's Blog.
There's a reason your Facebook page isn't doing well. Six, actually ...

Amber Lynn, author of the Nyx Slaughter series, shares her experiences in the self-publishing industry.

Writing is hard work and aspiring authors may sometimes need a nudge. Xlibris brings you thoughts from an anonymous would-be writer who shares this all too familiar dilemma. Who better to shed light on this subject than someone who shares your dream?

"So You Wanna Write a Novel" - Article by
Writing a novel isn't as easy as it may seem. Here's a short synopsis.

"Write the Damned Story You Want to Write" - Article by Andrew E. Kaufman for Crime Fiction Collective.
Longevity is attained not by following trends or trying to guess what your readers want - it's attained by trusting your instincts. Books change all the time - but the writer is a constant.

"How to Convert Your Followers into 1000 True Fans" - Article by Meghan Ward for Writerland.
The rationale goes that all you need to succeed in your field are 1000 true fans, a "true fan" being defined as someone who will buy everything you have to sell. In other words every book you publish. Meghan talks about what makes a true fan - and how to win them.

"How Long Are Your Book Review Posts?" - Article by Renee for Mother Daughter Book Reviews.
Renee addresses the issue of how long a book review post should be and gives you the chance to have your own say by taking part in the poll. What are your thoughts?