
Sunday, April 28, 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 28 April 2013

This Week on Books Direct - 28 April 2013

Here is a list of the articles you may have missed this week:

"Blogs and Typos: A Big Deal?" - Article by Victoria Grefer.
How much do typos drive you up the wall? I'm with Victoria. If you ever see a typo in one of my blog posts, please let me know privately so that I can fix it.

"Writers: Create Your Digital Press Kit" - Article by Web Design Relief.
Every author who is serious about self-promotion should invest in an author website and engage in social media. The next step to making your digital author platform shine is creating your digital press kit and making it available online.

"Deciding What Your Brand Is - aka Finding Your Author Tagline" - D. Kai Wilson for Book Junkies Journal.
Kai discusses the importance of coming up with an author tagline. Have you got one?

"Follow You, Follow Me" - Tutorial by Carol E. Wyer for Indies Unlimited.
Let Carol guide you through the tricky business of setting up follow gadgets on your blog.

"How Indie Authors Can Work Together" - Article by Jason Boog for GalleyCat.
What a great idea! A team of indie authors recently banded together to create The Indie Voice group and release an eight-book To Die For boxed set, expanding their fan base and promotional reach.

You’ll make a lot more real friends and sell a lot more books in the long run if you heed Anne's list of do's and don’ts.

"How to Correctly Format Your Book Interior Using Word" - Article by Chris Robley for BookBaby.
We've all seen self-published books put together by well-meaning authors who really want to succeed but, for one reason or another, are unclear on how exactly to go about it. Chris has the solution.

"Formula for a Bestselling Horror Novel" - Article by K. S. Brooks for Indies Unlimited.
K. S. Brooks has already shared her tips on writing other genres. Today it's time for horror.

"The 4 Best Strategies for Savvy Self-Publishers" - Article by Brian Klems for Writer's Digest.
Having read the amazing stories of authors who've made it on their own, you may start to consider taking the leap into self-publishing. Brian shares four simple strategies to help you on your way.

Authors often question if they should have a blog but if you have a done a book signing recently you will quickly realize that the answer is yes. Take a look at these tips which should help you get your blog up and running.

Charlie shares his experience using Scrivener writing software to write his book.

Happy First Blog-iversary to Victoria! Victoria shares the most important lessons she has learned during her first year of blogging.

Kim gives us a run-down on the difference between the Mystery and Suspense genres

Do you ever feel alone in your journey to self-publish? You don’t need nurturing. You need connections and support. One of the most fabulous aspects of self-publishing is that the community is large, noisy, active and supportive.

Structure applies at all levels of writing, from the structure of your sentences and paragraphs – which help you grab the reader and convey the essential emotion that is at the heart of all writing – to the over-arching structure of your entire work.