
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Web of the Spider Queen by John Grover

Web of the Spider Queen by John Grover

Combining elements of horror and sword and sorcery, John Grover weaves an epic fantasy tale full of action, mystery and suspense.
A long vanquished evil has returned to the beautiful and peaceful realm of Orum. An evil that will stop at nothing to plunder and enslave all of the realm’s people and lay waste to its lands. An evil that refuses to die, that has ravaged every realm it has touched. Its name is Sinnia, the Spider Queen and she has set her eyes back on the one world that eludes her grasp.
The leadership races must come together and harness the old power of their ancestors, sing their song of lore as one people and defeat this horror once and for all. These races will come to discover a long lost secret about their own ancestry, their connection to each other and the realm itself, a secret that will change their world…forever.

Web of the Spider Queen is certainly a fast-paced and intense fantasy adventure with a lot of horror influences. The action begins right from the start, and hence easily grasping the reader into the story's setting. We are introduced into a world with three races: the elves, the amazons, and the fairies, and together they must unite and defeat the spider queen, who took control of their land with her dark magic and legions of monstrous creatures. The story has a good pace to it, without ever dragging out on any scene for longer than necessary, and it is very action heavy. Although at times the deaths of some characters are easily predictable, it is still a fun fantasy horror novella, and I am definitely looking forward to part 2. (By Matthew Ashworth)

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